Wednesday, July 28, 2010

OMG... Stairs!!

Holy crap!! Yes, it's that bad. :P Nuvita Wellness started Monday (intro week is over). I think "I will start going down the stairs from our 16th floor to the first floor daily. Maybe work up to going UP the stairs." Sounds like a good idea, right? It IS a good idea. Unless.....

I almost fly down the stairs, arms pumping, slowing around the corners, doing well. I get to the first floor thinking "this was pretty easy". I head up the elevator to the 16th floor and think "yes! I can do this again!" heh heh I start down, albeit not quite as fast and energetically as the first run, but at a good pace. I get down to the 7th floor and think "oooh, maybe this was a mistake. Maybe I should have done a couple days at just one set." BUT, being a bit on the stubborn side, I refuse to take the elevator down to 1 (our elevators go 1-8 and 9-16). So, much slower, I make it down to the first floor. My legs are just a tiny bit wobbly, but I figure if I keep walking it'll work out the kinks that I know are going to happen. I get to our receptionist desk and tell Jeanie about it. We laugh together. I wobble back to my desk. I get up frequently because I'm being smart and drinking water when I want to reach for something to stuff in my face.

End of the work day. Do I take the stairs to the 2nd level in the parking garage? Heck yeah! I'm not a wimp! Ok, so maybe I should have been a little bit of a wuss, but working the muscles will make them not as sore later, right? I get home, and remember I live above my apartment garage on the 2nd floor.... with 2 very-happy-Mommy's-home!! dogs. Ok, it's a bit rough going up the stairs. I change, then it's time to go back down the 16 steps to take the dogs out. *GASP* Already???? What happened to the 2nd day pain plan?? Ok, ok. Hands on the walls for support. I can do this. I HAVE to do this. TWICE! In between, silly me, I work out on the Wii - 50 minutes worth. But it's all for health, right?

Yay! Bedtime.

Not yay, wake up time. Roll over, feet on the floor, stand up. I said STAND UP! ok, maybe not quite that bad. We can walk, it's good. Oh NOOO, stairs. Dogs. Responsibility. *sighs* We are Woman, hear me roar!!! meow. Ok, so it's a 1-day pain rule. No more wobbling, we've raised to Hobbling. NOT pretty, but at least it's inside, and walking is ...well, it's do-able. Shower, dress, drive to work.

Park in normal spot, walk across to the elevator/stairs. "Come ON, Deb! It's only one flight!" Thankfully there are no other people around. Elevator to my desk. Laugh with people about my stupidity. Weirdly enough, I WANT to do the stairs again. BUT, I opt to go to the parking garage and walk around for 15 minutes. Inclines, declines not so nice, straightaways are fine...mostly. Homeward bound. Stairs, three times, no choice, work out. Bed. Me and pain, best buddies.

Day 2 - today: Wake up, roll over, stand up, squeeking sounds emit from my throat. Dogs, must take out dogs. We go to the side of the building not the fence. They don't care, they get to sniff, do their stuff, back inside. Slightly easier going UPstairs than down. Who'da thought? Shower, dress, work. I want to curl up in the fetal position and sleep. Don't want to die, that would be giving in. ROFL. Why yes, I DO have to, want to, laugh about this.

Meanwhile, I keep wondering: moist heat or Advil? I opt for neither. why? I have no freaking clue. Masochistic much? Hmmm, maybe just a little.

To ADD, because that bit of masochism isn't enough, I bought one of those punching balls. You know the kind you had as a blow it up, you punch it with the attached rubber band? I asked our Nuvita coach about this. Could I use it as a modified Hip Abductor - put it between the thighs or knees and squeeze. She LOVED the idea. Same between forearms to be used like the Butterfly machine. Ahhhh, that's why my inner shoulders are a bit tender.

See, I keep thinking "If I USE these muscles, stretch them, they won't hurt as bad." Maybe, maybe not. LOL

Let's just pray that Day 2 is the worst in the way of P A I N. :)

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