Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Exercise Notes for 05/05/10

I'm still learning what I can and cannot eat. Some things I'm just not sure I should ever eat again, but I know that won't happen. I'm craving a steak so bad it almost hurts. BUT, I know it gives me gas, but with the 20 pounds gone, I know I can add a few things back and not hurt. I take my (store brand) Prilosec OTC and that helps a lot. Sometimes, like after my sister's cooking, I need to add some Tums. Don't get me wrong, her stuff tastes good, but she uses salt, oil, and just stuff I don't use any more. Well, I've never really used salt to cook with. Never have cared for it.

So. To my "workouts". I was asked today, by a guy I'm meeting from an ad I placed on Craig's List, where I work out. I said in my home. He says "oh, you have your own gym set up?" First, I'm in an apartment. I've already told him that. Though, I suppose I could have a two-bedroom and use the 2nd as a gym. Anyway, I said no, I have a Wii. He asked what games, I said Sport and Fit Plus. He got all excited about the tennis and bowling. The man loves bowling.

I got the Wii Fit Plus on Feb 6, 2010 (I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself). I didn't touch the Sports until mid March. That's when I started to lose more weight. I did bowling mostly, because of the 24 years I bowled in leagues. Then decided to try tennis. My son's friend says "I just sit and move my hand with the remote." He thinks I'm silly because I actually go through the motions. I spend at least 30 minutes a night doing the Tennis and some of the "training" portions, and then do their "age" thing. I work up a sweat and have a floor fan oscillate around me. The past week, I've averaged 25 years of age. Go me!!

On the Fit Plus, I was doing a mix of a lot of the programs. Discovered that the Yoga and Stretching was building muscles that I don't need to build, thereby adding weight. I've settled into a few of the programs and am enjoying them. Advanced Stepping - I do at least twice as it's 5 minutes per time, and has a slow start, then a fast one. I also use the bicyle app. It has 4 degrees of ....ease. You ride around (stepping on the board as if you were pedaling) and snag flags. First level has 10 flags, 2nd has 22 flags, etc. I've done all levels, but enjoy the 2nd one the most so far. Gives you 8 to 10 minutes of pedaling, and tells you how many miles you've ridden. (Note: your glutes will really feel the burn, a very good thing!) There are also two "tilt a wheels". Not sure what they're called at the moment, but there are 8 levels on each where you tilt on the balance board to get balls in holes.

If you do not have a Wii system, other "toning" exercises I do can be done in the car, at your desk, on the couch, standing, you name it. Well, some of them can.

1 - Tummy tuck, can be done anywhere. Sit straight, and suck in your gut. Try to make it touch your back bone/spine. Count to 8 or 10, release, repeat.
2 - Butt crunch, can be done anywhere. Sit straight, tighten your butt, count to 8 or 10, release, repeat.
3 - Side bends - Put your hands behind your head, elbows out even with your body. Suck in the gut, bend to one side, count to 10, then to the other side, count to 10. Bend until you feel your side muscle hurt just a little. Repeat.
4 - Torso twists - put your hands on your tummy, fingers touching, elbows out. Keep your hips still and twist your upper body first to one side, then the other. Counts of 10, repeat.
5 - Leg lifts - Scoot your butt to the back of your chair, lift one or both legs up parrallel with the floor, count to 10, lower legs. Repeat. If the backs of your knees hurt, bend them slightly. I tend to point my toes forward, then back toward my body to stretch the muscles.
6 - Toe touches - weird as it seems you can do this (modified) at your desk. Scoot your chair back from your desk, spread your legs somewhat, bend from the hips (yes, it's different from bending your back) so your body is parellel to the floor and stretch your arms to touch the floor. I can't reach the floor yet, but it feels good.
7 - Back bends - Raise your arms above your head, hands together, lean back in your chair (helps if your chair has a lower back.
8 - Walking - lengthen your stride. This will work the inner thigh muscles as well as your hips/glutes.

There you go. Desk, car, walking exercises. I need to do more of them. :)

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