Friday, May 7, 2010

Menu ... not a good word, though

Eating habits might be a better title.

Like I said earlier there are 2 reasons for this adventure of losing weight, becoming healthy.
1 - monetary funds are depleted, or extremely close to it
2 - health. Having had chest pains last November (2009), did not really hit me until after New Year's. Well, it did, but I just wouldn't get off my lazy butt to do something about it. Chest pains turned out to be gas - mostly caused by stress. So, with IRS refund, I bought a Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board. I believe I already said my son said it wouldn't last 3 weeks. Just last week I teased and he said "Well Mom, I'm glad you proved me wrong."

Eating healthy is really not cheap, so my "in moderation" manta has kicked me in the butt. "Doctor heal thyself" -- yeah, I can give the avice and am now taking it as well. I found my last blood work letter from my doctor (he takes his sweet time about getting results to you if you're not in dire straits). I take the lowest dosage of Lipitor for cholesterol, and my lipids were actually pretty good. My HDL could be higher and that set me to investigate (read: google) foods to boost your HDL. Weirdly enough it's stuff we've been told for years and years:

* aerobics type exercise at least 4 times a week, for at least 30 minutes at a time... got that covered.
*3 to 4 servings of veggies and fruits daily.
*enough sleep.
*at least 8 glasses of water daily.

Foods: avocado, beans (Navy, red, kidney, etc.).
I also looked up foods to help in elimination as I have a slight IBS problem. I actually found that one out on my own after two days of salads. Evidently lettuce is a great.... uhm.. yeah.

Just so you know, I don't truly count calories. I DO look at labels for sodium content. I will forego something I think I really want if the sodium content is over 3 or 4% per serving. It's not worth my body swelling up over, necessitating the need for a gallon of water and/or tea to flush it back out. Also, I have a goiter (lump) on my thyroid - taking synthroid daily which boosts the metabolism, but causes me to be hungry every two hours or so.

Now, what do I eat on a daily basis, or try to keep in my routine?

mornings - honey wheat bagel with either peanut butter or Nutella.
snacks - handful of almonds, or trail mix (UNsalted) - mid morning (between 10:30 and 11:30, since I don't eat lunch til about 12:45 or 1:00).
Lunch - oatmeal with dates and some brown sugar... followed by a Hershey's with Almonds.
Snack before working out - half (one slice of bread) peanut butter sandwich using honey wheat bread.
Dinner - varies, either 2 scrambled eggs with a slice of swiss and mushrooms and grape tomatoes, with a sliced avocado side or a salad with lettuce, grape tomatoes, avocado, parmeson cheese, carrots, sliced green bell pepper, and a tablespoon or so of Light Ranch dressing.

Saturday - either oatmeal (double serving) for brunch since I sleep in or scrambled eggs (see above) with toast. It's usually a larger meal since it's so late, and dinner is a bit earlier - usually a salad, or eggs if I've had oatmeal.
Sunday - either oatmeal or eggs. Usually go to my sister's for dinner, and that would bust anyone's calorie meter - hence just breakfast on Sundays.

See? There's really nothing special about my diet. The salads are huge by any standard, but seriously lettuce is mostly water. Tomatoes are fantastic for you, as are the other veggies I use. The cheese isn't the greatest, but it's a "white" cheese, lower in fat than the yellow cheeses (I used to be a sharp cheddar and/or Velveeta-holic).

Mushrooms and bell peppers have almost 0 calories, and they burn up just by eating more calories than they contain. I choose the smallest hardest avocados (usually 3 at a time), and set them next to the stove to 'ripen'. I used to put them in the fridge, but a woman next to me selecting some told me to set them in a paper bag OUT of the fridge to soften. It works! I wondered at first if the fat content would hurt the weight loss, but it hasn't.

On a last note before I leave you for the day... scale said 21.2 pounds lost as of this morning!! WOOO HOO!
My first goal was to get UNDER 200. I started at 217.4 on February 6, 2010. This morning I weighed 196.2. My next goal? 189. I like getting under the round number. Feels better.

I've discovered not to look long term, but make 1 or 2 pound goals for now. I was doing the 15 pounds by a certain date, but that just leads to disappointment because we ALL have set backs. The thing is to not let the set backs hurt us mentally. Ok, so I gained a pound one day. I get back on track, don't obsess, and go forward. Like they say in AA "One Day At A Time"!

Am I losing as fast as I originally wanted? No
Am I losing anyway? Yes
Am I doing it in a healthy way? Yes
Am I making habits (even at 51 years of age) to last the rest of my life? I sincerely hope so.
Will I ever eat a t-bone steak again? Maybe, but not any time soon.
I have added some chicken here and there to my diet.
Don't ever forget your protein!!! Hence the peanut butter on the bagels.

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