Sunday, May 2, 2010

My 'diet' reasons for 2010.

I don't really have a Plan, per se. I started out slow, on February 6, 2010 (this time around). In 1986, I lost 40 pounds to get to my high school weight of 150 by end of May because of my 10-year reunion. Not that I thought any guys would notice me, and I was married, though seriously contemplating divorce. (I did ask for, and get divorced summer of '86.) But, at the reunion, two guys actually looked for me - surprising me because I'd truly thought I was a wall flower. Turns out my son gets his wackiness and sense of humor from me. lol

In 2002 and 2003, I worked out with a girl from work at a gym that was associated with the office park where my company officed. I got down to 182. I stayed there for almost a year. I went to the gym even on Saturdays and Sundays. It filled a void. Then in June of 2004, I got laid off from the job I'd had for 23 years. I found my present job quite by chance in October 2004, temp to perm in 3 months. It took them 18 months to hire me permanent. I gained a LOT of weight. First because I am a stress eater, second because with a company of 150+ people in the Dallas office, we have food in the kitchen almost at any given time. Chocolate and I are BEST of friends. It stays with me forever.... on my hips, my inner thighs, my "pillows" (that's my under arms), and of course my tummy and butt. But it's not just chocolate. I love food. Seafood, steak, fried chicken...mmmmm fried chicken.

October/November 2009, my chest started hurting more than usual. I went to my Internist who had me get a sonogram and an upper GI (x-rays with this yucky stuff you need to drink). Turns out it is gas caused by stress, mostly. So, I took it easy over Thanksgiving and Christmas, and when I got my IRS refund, I splurged and got the Wii Fit Plus (with Balance Board). I called my son to help make sure I got it set up right. (okOK, it was an excuse to see him. Sue me. LOL) He said "Mom, I give you three weeks til you stop using it and get bored with it." Well, today is May 2nd, Day 85 (Wii Fit keeps track -- also makes you feel guilty if you skip a day "Debbi? Were you too busy yesterday?"). After the first week, I craved the workouts, I craved the rush, the stupid little voices saying "you can do better than that" or "good job!", the charts monitoring my progress.

Here's the hardest part for me, admitting my weight. I've averaged 217 for the past ..oh... 4 years or more. I got down to 202 in '06 with first or second Biggest Loser contest at work, but gained it right back. Depressing, but no one to blame but myself. Summer 2007, my doctor (gyn) put me on Anti-Depressents because I was down about something. I gained 10 pounds in a week, eating less than I had been. I stopped the meds. Anyway, on Feb. 2, 2010, I started this journey at 217.4. This morning, I weighed 196.6. First goal of staying UNDER 200 for at least a week - check!!! Go me! I posted the 20.8 pound loss on Facebook, and was asked by a few what my secrets and/or tips are. So, I started this blog mainly for that reason.

I have found that aerobics are best for me. The "strength" training and yoga stuff, builds muscle, and my muscles weirdly enough, remember their basic function. They're pretty darn solid under the fat. So, I switched from that to 90% aerobics, and 10% balance. I do callesthenics-type (toning) exercises while sitting in the car, walking, sitting at my desk at work. I will outline some here probably tomorrow.

I do want to say that I do not freak out if I gain a pound or so - since I do weigh myself every day. As the saying goes "Shit happens". Weight WILL fluctuate a pound or two during the week. No, I don't have PMS any more so I can't use that as an excuse. I don't work out on Tuesdays -- Sean (my son) plays double headers softball. On Thursdays, he plays single games, so I work out only if his game is at 9:30. Saturdays, I may or may not work out, depending on what I've done that day. I work out on Sunday evenings, late, because I have dinner at my Sister in law's house, and well.... let's say it's not my norm of salad, PB&J or scrambled eggs for dinner. :) Or in the case of this past Friday, going to Enchilada's for lunch and eating EVERYthing on my plate. Surprisingly, I did not gain any weight.

I've had problems with IBS, and I've read up on what foods help.... well, regularity. Actually, discovered some help quite by accident. Lettuce is fantastic!!! hehehe. Then I googled and found a list of foods helpful in raising your HDL (good) cholesterol, so have incorporated that into my diet.

One last thing before I sign off.... I've discovered that ONE Hershey's with Almonds or ONE Kit Kat daily does not hurt, but actually helps. I adore....ADORE... Dove's chocolate covered almonds, and will buy the $2.97 package at Wally World, but will limit myself to a handful a day. I do not really count calories, but I DO check sodium content -- the lower, the better. I do not cook with salt. I use garlic and onion POWDERS. I DO eat cheese, but the whiter, the better: Swiss and Parmesan -- but, and this is important - in moderation. So much is MODERATION.

Ok, it's late. It's back to work in the morning. So I'll post tomorrow about some foods and exercise.

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