Saturday, May 1, 2010

First day of new blog

I used to blog on LiveJournal....well, wait. I started on Yahoo's blog thingie years ago, went to MySpace, then LiveJournal. LiveJournal was cathartic to me in many ways. I haven't blogged in over a year, and I've decided I need a new outlet.

This blog will be for my own weight loss efforts, my thoughts on getting older, my conflicts at the office, my religious beliefs and other miscellaneous and sundry things. I'm not sure just yet how many I will "friend" or allow to read it. So on any given day, there's no telling what will spew from my fingers. I will try to title each blog with the day's topic, so it can be easier to tell if you want to read or not.

First though, will be my dietary/weight loss "secrets". That will be in my first real post, but for now, I will admit that some of my dietary secrets stem solely from the fact that with the new car and skyrocketing Finance Charge rates, I literally have no money to eat. I have 2 dogs that are very spoiled and monthly meds (that I've gone online to find extra coupons/savings for) that take up a large part of my non Bills budget. I used to be able to pay $10-$20 extra on all my bills each month, but am down to MAYBE $5 over the minimum due. In two words.... it sucks! I needed the new car, though, for a couple of reasons, one of which is no longer valid. But I love my car, even if I do have 5 more years of payments. Just means I need to get off my butt and get stuff on ebay, take books to half price, because my mental health can not handle getting a second job. I've done it for way too many times in my life, and I'm just not willing to give up my precious time.

A friend gave me a compilation/anthology of erotic short stories and that was like a gift from God dropped in my lap. For 4 years I wrote some very explicitly erotic short stories. My aunt suggested I lengthen them, and get them published. With this book in hand, i have the name of a publisher, and the friend also gave me to other Publishers' names. I need to quit procrastinating.

For now, though, I'm off to shower and figure out if I really DO want to go to Half Price and drop off some books, or take pictures of stuff and put said stuff on ebay.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your weight loss!! I look forward to following you on this journey. I know you will reach your goal and do great things.
